527 Old Renwick Road, Blenheim 7272

+64 3 578 0468            Email: info@kiwiseed.co.nz

What a season so far….

September has been very busy for me with 6 workshops on cover crops organised through OWNZ up and down the country, on top of the usual business.

After the Organic conference held in July here in Blenheim and the amount of people who have attended these September workshops I can confidently say: “The wave of change has well and truly reached NZ.”. The regenerative farming community is actively sharing their experiences on various occasions as well, which is great to see.

The ”new” interest in cover cropping is immense. I must say even after 9 years the topic still fascinates myself. The amount of species available and combinations possible are incredible. It just doesn`t get boring and there is always something which could be done different the next time to improve the system even further.

MPI has proposed a “control – management system ” to overcome the freshwater – nitrogen leaching issue caused through overstocking and overuse of urea applications. The restrictions and costs involved to farmers and taxpayers in the government proposal are unbelieveable.

Yes, this is an issue, which needs to be sorted out, but is this the way?

At every introduction course for parenthood they teach you that shouting, control and punishment aren`t a good solution to a problem but education and support when required, will help to grow young responsible and reflecting people.

Why aren`t we focusing more on education at schools and all universities on how to produce food in a sustainable, reflecting way? Why aren`t we setting up backup structures to support the farmer during difficult times? 

Many NZ farmers are today already working closer with nature, not against nature.

To build healthy soil, to support beneficial insects (including bees, ladybirds, lacewings) with shelterbelts, whereever possible is so important for future food production. Grains, veggies, fruit, vine and meat included.

Cover cropping, permanent multispecies mixes, communication and reflection have the potential to solve issues like the nitrogen leaching caused through general miseducation and the chemical industry.

We might be able to travel more easily to the Moon and Mars in the future but home will always be planet Earth and it`s our home we need to look after as much as the people that live on it, including producers and consumers.

Submissions to freshwater proposals will be accepted up until the 30th of October, email your submission directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Regards Maren