527 Old Renwick Road, Blenheim 7272

+64 3 578 0468            Email: info@kiwiseed.co.nz

Sowing sunflowers with maize

This is an idea from the USA to improve fibre, protein, energy and bring biodiversity into the monoculture of maize production.


Thankfully Kiwi Seed have a dairy farmer at Koromiko “Pateke Farm” near Picton willing to try ideas for improvements.

Photos taken 22nd November reveal the progress.

Maize and Sunflower seed are similar in size and create no delay at sowing time, emergence, strong and healthy.


Last year`s project to fly clover seed into the maize field prior to harvest is now paying dividends, photos taken 22 November 2017

In hindsight the seed needs to be applied earlier than March. This season we will start the process early, prior to the maize seed sowing and try a mid season application as well.

Because a legume between Maize cycles will benefit both soil and animal.
We will keep you posted.

Sowing sunflowers with maize

Sowing sunflowers with maize 1