527 Old Renwick Road, Blenheim 7272

+64 3 578 0468            Email: info@kiwiseed.co.nz

Wildflowers and Herbal Leys

For custom designed wildflower blends and herbal leys contact Bruce or Leila, or purchase a Kiwi Seed blend packet of the counter, enough to sow 100-150 sqm.

Kiwi Seed specialty pasture mixes:  enquire today

Equine (Non-rye) mix: A mixture of Brome grass, herbs and beneficial species to offer balance and diversity for horses.

Equine herbal ley: combination of plantain, chicory, yarrow, burnet, lotus, calendula and thyme. Great along the fenceline or add to our Equine pasture mix.

Pasture Patch: A combination of grasses and clovers to repair, oversow or replenish a under-performing or damaged area.

Stop Bank: A deep rooting mix of fescue, ryegrass and clovers to promote a healthy thicket.

Grass Kiwi Seed



Green Manure / Cover Crop Seeds

Broad Beans






Vegetable seed

Check out our range of Kiwi Seed and Mr Fothergills vegetable seed while you are here. 



Lawn Seed

Lawn Seed

Soil & Compost

Soil & Compost



Seed Potatoes

Seed Potatoes