The Future of Dryland Pastoral Farming in New Zealand
70 % Legume, 30% Grass
Who said annual clovers are a myth?! - Don`t be put off by doomsayers with their own barrow to push. They do work, will work and are very productive. We know how and we’re happy to help you get them established. Use them as annuals or sow with other perennial species.
Above: Omaka Valley Nov 2013. Large bulk of feed—North Facing Hillside
Here we go again into another legume rich season...
Above: Same paddock. March 2015. New seedlings.
This season’s conditions is why annual clovers are thriving!
Ignore them at your peril!
Picture: Lusa Persian clover, Ward October
Increase the effectiveness of your winter green-feed plantings.
Broadcast Lusa Persian clover at 4 kg/ha either before or after you plant, any time through to mid -September. This will provide a large bulk of clover: October, November, December at very little expense and effort.
NOTE: Lusa has a high hard seed content and may be used in Permanent Pastures.
Feb 2015, New season Rubitas now available !!
Rubitas red clover is a perennial grazing type, low oestrogen with an extensive root system from which new plants can establish. Rubitas will tolerate the dry better than any other red clover on the NZ market.
Karidale Sub clover is an improved Mt Barker. Two sub clovers have stood the test of time in Marlborough Woogenellup and Mt Barker. They appear all over the province from seed sowings 40 years ago.
The proof is in the pudding as they say!
Kiwi Seed have the best range of Dryland pasture species in New Zealand.
Inquire direct, seed also available from Farmlands Reps and PGG Wrightson reps.