527 Old Renwick Road, Blenheim 7272

+64 3 578 0468            Email: info@kiwiseed.co.nz

Dairy, Sheep, beef, horses Now hear this - Ryegrass is not the only option!

Ryegrass as a pasture plant will always remain the mainstay of the NZ pastoral scene, but a viable option is Exceltas Coloured Brome. A new release from TasGlobal Seeds in Tasmania now available from Kiwi Seed in Marlborough.

Dairy Sheep beef horses

Photo: Plenty of feed for ewes and lambs on Exceltas paddock, 4 October 2013.


Trials have proven in Victoria, Australia that Exceltas will out yield the best ryegrass on good dairy land by some Margin. For the very good reason ryegrass is giving in at < 26 °C were Exceltas is comfortable up to 33 °C. Ask yourself: How many days do we have over 26 °C?

Why use Exceltas?
Because it's the most perennial of the brome grasses and more legume friendly than

Gary Barnett is our seed producer for Exceltas. Gary farms at Tuamarina sheep, cropping and grapes. The Exceltas paddock
is near the river on a shingle base with a layer of topsoil. Sown in the spring 2012 at 25kg/ha with 2 kg Huia white clover at times the clover looked too heavy, proof enough Exceltas is a legume friendly plant. Gary struggled in spring 2013 to control the growth and extra ewes and lambs were added to overcome this dilemma. It was noted grazing preference was for short brome grass with fresh leaf. Stock numbers will be important.

The paddock was locked up for seed production on the 20th October 2013.

Exceltas coloured brome is a real option this autumn.

Dairy Sheep beef horses 2

Photo taken 20 November 2013, Exceltas seed production.

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