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Dryland pasture trial, “Waipapa” Clarence Bridge

pic fieldday balansa lusa
Kiwi Seed staff Bruce and Tim with Agricoms Mark Kearney walked and talked through the trail area with a number of interested local sheep and beef farmers.

The clover I have scored 0-10, 10 being the best result on view.

One third of the area was sown to commonly used winter feed crops Omaka Barley, Rahu Ryecorn, Assett Italian Ryegrass.

Clover was broadcast at right angles to the cereal and grass on the same day as drilling the cereals 26th March 2014.


The other clover fall below score 5 so at this point we will put them to one side. The Arrotas has time still to produce a volume of biomass up to and past Christmas.

benefits farming

Of note, the level of clover in the Italian was poor compared to the cereals, this was unexpected and may relate to grazing pressure. A repeat of the trial would be require to check this fact.

Conclusion- the above clovers can be recommended as useful, productive, time saving additives to your winter greenfeed crops at very little cost or effort.

Next week I will report on the perennial trial.

regards Bruce

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