527 Old Renwick Road, Blenheim 7272

+64 3 578 0468            Email: info@kiwiseed.co.nz


Extreme dry for the second season in a row, overall the grass content is in the trial is coping well. Cocksfoots are the stand out plants, ryegrass look ok given the conditions.
Two exceptions, Gala grazing brome and Maru Phalaris are very weak with a big drop in plant numbers.
The observation on this visit is winter active grasses are best companions with clovers/Lucerne, this may suggest competition for soil moisture is a factor in poor clover performance in a dry season, a science project here for someone?

Uplands cocksfoot

Uplands cocksfoot

Megatas cocksfoot

Megatas cocksfoot

Savvy cocksfoot

Savvy cocksfoot

Maru phalaris

Maru phalaris

The clover situation looks dire on this visit.

Clover scores
0 Nomad white clover
0 Relish clover
2 Rubitas red clover
6 Runner II Lucerne
0 Caucasian clover
0 Prima gland clover
1 Arrotas Arrowleaf clover
0 Cefalu Arrowleaf clover
2 Lusa Persian clover
5 Balansa clover
2 Strawberry clover
3 Woogenellup sub clover
3 Napier sub clover
7 Rosabrook sub clover

Nomad white clover has never showed in this trial, Relish disappeared last season.
Rubitas appears dead, a dry body of plant only left behind.
Runner II is growing well and is the stand out legume.
Caucasian, Gland, Arrotas, Cefalu, Lusa soil is too dry to strike the seed bank, but time enough for this.
Balansa has some plant numbers holding in, Strawberry, Woogenellup, limited plant numbers.
Rosabrook, good plant numbers but Rosabrook site is south facing where all others are north facing.
The clover based headland faces south where all the species look fine, Rosabrook appears to be in a good spot.
I suspect rain in Jan did strike seed which subsequently died IE false strike on all the annuals.

Next report, Mid April.

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 img 0516 megatas.529x0

img 0517savvy.529x0

maru phalaris.529x0