Late to flower Annual Clovers
Late flowering grass and clovers are more flexible in our NZ climate by giving the choice of spring or autumn sowing.
Early flowering cultivars restrict the sowing to autumn for any chance of success.
The Tasmania material sold by Kiwi Seed is late to flower. This to suit Tasmania which is on the same latitude as NZ, hence adapted well for our situation.
Attached one photo of Lusa Persian clover and Arrotas Arrowleaf clover sown with swedes, turnips and rape, Oct 2017 at Okaramio, near Havelock.
The grower is quite impressed with the result, showing it off to neighbours and relations.
The other benefit of Arrotas and Lusa is both contain hard seed. This, if allowed to flower and drop seed will build a long-term seed bank on your farm for future production.
Talk to Maren or Bruce for the best fit on your property.